Forty Hall Vineyard is well worth a visit!

October 24, 2017

Forty Hall Vineyard is well worth a visit!

Jancis Robinson is one of Britain's most respected wine experts, so we were delighted to be listed as one of the English vineyards worth visiting in an article on her informative website.

The list of vineyards was compiled by English wine experts, Elizabeth Else and Ian Hardwick, who are great supporters of English and Welsh wine and have visited countless vineyards, including our own vineyard where Ian often gives up his time to volunteer. 

Elizabeth and Ian's website, Wine Cellar Door, brings together their knowledge of English wine and the vineyards they've visited in a fantastic directory and map of vineyards, including a feature on Forty Hall Vineyard. 

If you're looking for an evening of good food, wine and company, Ian also hosts the English Wine Supper Clubs in Stoke Newington, North London - which you can find out more about here

For information about visiting Forty Hall Vineyard click here




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