The Big Prune 2018!

February 09, 2018

The Big Prune 2018!

Pruning is an essential part of the yearly cycle of the vineyard.  It gets rid of last year’s dead wood and establishes shape & structure to encourage the following season's growth. This year 'the big prune' began a lot earlier than in previous years, as we're hoping this will give us more time to stay on top of other necessary vineyard work later in the season. 

Volunteers began work on the 10th January with a training session from our Vineyard consultant Liam Burgess on the theory and practice of gentle pruning, which every one (and their dog) turned up for !

Gentle Pruning is a method of pruning that has been reintroduced over recent years by Simonit & Sirch. It's a practise that respects the natural growth of the vines to ensure a healthier and longer life and sits very nicely with our own organic, natural wine principles. 

During our Wednesday and Sunday morning pruning sessions the volunteers have powered their way through the rows of vines and are now almost done!  A fantastic team effort - a huge thank you to all the Forty Hall Vineyard Volunteers. 


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