AGM at Forty Hall Vineyard

December 04, 2021

AGM at Forty Hall Vineyard

This year's AGM was a little different. Last year it was via zoom, this year we went al fresco, using one of the open barns at Forty Hall Farm. We took the decision to be outdoors so not to risk a Covid outbreak.  Wouldn't you know it, after an unseasonably warm autumn the temperature that day plummeted! It was hard to recognise anyone under all the layers!

We ended the meeting with a delicious harvest lunch laid on on by Lime Face who are one of the fantastic street food producers at Forty Hall Farmers' Market. You can come and try their food and by a bottle of our still and sparkling wines at the market on the 12th December, the final market of the year until next spring.

Thanks to volunteer Derek for these atmospheric photos.






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