FHV Welcomes Syrian refugee women and children

July 31, 2019

FHV Welcomes Syrian refugee women and children

An important part of FHV’s Flourish Project is providing mental-health and well-being ‘ecotherapy’ opportunities to disadvantaged  groups.  

Recently we welcomed a group of Syrian women and children who came to us via the Refugee Council.  Ecotherapists Claire and Charlotte hosted the group, who relished the freedom of being outdoors in the peaceful green space of the Farm and Vineyard. Talking, taking part in a yoga class in the vineyard and cooking lunch from produce from the farm. Ecotherapist Charlotte said,

 “When we were in the market garden the group found some purslane. A salad leaf plant. They got so excited as they hadn’t seen this plant since they had left Syria 3 years ago. Just tasting it brought back memories from their homeland.

To be able to give them this experience was a true honour.  These young women are planning their future; to be the positive rebuilders of their country for the next generation. Hearing their real life stories was a privilege.”

Read more about our Flourish Project and ecotherapy outreach work here

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